Alpharetta junk removal

Clean out Your Attic And Basement With Dump The Junk! Junk Removal

At Dump The Junk, we know being a responsible homeowner isn’t easy. There’s a never-ending list of tasks you must tackle. We often neglect some spaces in our homes, especially basements and attics, as we don’t necessarily use them daily. 

By the time you realize it, they’re both full of stuff you don’t need and junk that’s just taking up space. This could frustrate you, and you might not know where to begin. Avoid DIYing your cleanout; Dump The Junk understands how important a clutterless space is to you, and that’s why we offer the best house cleanout services!

Our Attic/Basement Cleanout Process

If you’ve ever tried to tackle an attic or basement cleanout on your own, you know it can be daunting. Luckily, Dump The Junk’s professional declutterers help clean your space and organize it quickly!

So how do we make this magic happen? First, we make sure to get a clear assessment of the space to plan out the cleanout and create an organized plan of attack. You can request an attic cleanout, a basement cleanout, or both!

We then carefully grab all those forgotten items collecting dust (maybe even mold) in your attic or basement, and begin sorting them into piles for recycling, donation, or disposal. As we go through each item, we carefully handle even the most fragile items.

How You Benefit From Our Cleanout Services

Hiring Dump The Junk is a great way to make your life easier when removing the stuff you don’t want. With our help, you can quickly take care of pesky items cluttering your home! 

Hiring Dump The Junk saves you time and energy. Instead of spending hours trying to haul away all your junk yourself, our team can take care of it!

Hire Dump The Junk For All Your Cleanout Needs!

Want to repurpose your space? Got an idea for your basement? Perfect! This is how you can get started:

  1. Call (470) 287-7535 or visit our platform to schedule an attic/basement cleanout service.
  2. We’ll set a date and time that fits your needs perfectly. 
  3. Describe your needs, include your address, and our team will take care of the rest!

Avoid letting the clutter pile up in your home. Instead, take advantage of Dump The Junk’s cleanout services and enjoy an organized space! Get started today! Schedule a service and get a free quote!